Student Services
Family Resources
Please stress to your child the following safety procedures:
While waiting for the bus: Stand calmly and stay safely away from the edge of the road. Before moving toward the bus, make eye contact with the bus driver and wait for their OK. Do not approach a moving bus. The driver cannot see you if the bus is moving. Cross the road only in front of the stopped bus, after the driver has signaled for you to cross.
On the bus: Stay in your seat and wear your seat belt. Be respectful of others. Use a quiet voice and do not distract the driver. Keep the aisle open. Exit only through the door at the front of the bus.
After getting off the bus: Never stand or walk close enough to the bus to be able to reach out and touch it. If you must cross the road to get home, walk 10 feet ahead of the bus on the right side of the road and make eye contact with the driver. Wait until the driver gives you a signal before crossing. After you pass in front of the bus, look both ways before continuing across the road.
Discipline on the bus will be handled according to established procedures detailed in the bus transportation guidelines kept in the school office. A summary: The bus driver will speak to the student(s) who are creating the problem and will note all verbal warnings in the log or diary kept on the bus. If the problem persists, the driver will complete a Bus Conduct Report form, which notifies the principal of the problem. The principal will speak to the student(s) and, if appropriate, notify the parents. Continued unsafe or uncooperative behavior may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of the privilege of riding the bus.
Parking is at a premium and traffic flow is heavy during the 10 minutes before and after school. Please allow your children to walk or to ride the bus whenever possible to help limit the flow of traffic. In the morning, parents should only use the school driveway to drop off their children. Should you wish to leave your vehicle unattended, please park on the street in front of the school.
Students may ride bicycles to school with their parent’s permission. Lyme School is not responsible for bicycles on school grounds. Bike racks are provided at school. Bike locks are recommended; students should keep an extra key or record of the combination at home. For safety reasons, students must walk their bicycles at the crosswalk and on school property during the school day. We strongly support the use of bicycle safety helmets.
All students are expected to cross Route 10 at the crosswalk.