Grade Seven Science News
The seventh graders quickly settled in over the first few weeks of school. They were given the seventh grade science book called Glencoe Life Science, yellow science folders, and little blue spelling books to use for notebooks. The kids quickly covered their science books and were ready to learn science!
The kids learned what science is and what scientists do in the first classes of the year. They reviewed the scientific process and practiced using metric balances. We learned about scientific classification methods and how dichotomous keys are created. To do this the kids worked through classifying a variety of objects: plain paper shapes, colored paper shapes, household objects in tuna cans. After much practice the children worked in lab groups to make their own dichotomous keys for a collection of garden seeds. As further practice we will soon go outside to use a field guide to identify local trees.
Another part of the unit dealt with the traits and needs of living things. This topic led to the first major lab of the year. In this activity the children worked in cooperative groups and used scientific processes to plan an investigation into the conditions that are most suitable for the hatching and growth of brine shrimp. The kids worked hard on this assignment and had lots of fun!
The children are beginning a unit on cell parts and functions this week. In order to do this they will be developing microscope skills as to help their exploration of these topics.
Please check in with your child about science assignments. These are posted on Google Classroom. If they need help, please encourage your child to see me. I am available during the call back period, morning break, from 7:45 to 8:00 every morning, and after school.