Eighth Grade students have been studying the Second World War in Humanities class. We read and annotated informational texts to get an overview of the start of the war, analyzed primary source documents to compare differing perspectives on Japanese Internment in the United States during the war years and read World War II historical fiction.
Students were introduced to the elements of fiction in Freytag’s Pyramid and created their own pyramid based upon the plot of the piece of WWII Historical Fiction they selected. They then analyzed the protagonist of their book and wrote a character analysis. As a class we will be reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel after the Thanksgiving Break.
We have continued our focus on geography in 8th grade as well. To coincide with the study of WWII, students have learned the physical and political geography of Europe. We will move on to Asia next.
Lastly, we are partnering with a non-profit called Restore Hope: Liberia to collect lightly used clothing, art supplies, sporting goods, school supplies and used computers to donate to school children who have been impacted by the Ebola outbreak, HIV, malaria, the legacy of the Liberian Civil War and the lack of economic opportunity in north-western Liberia. Dr. Bob Rufsvold has come in to share his experiences and photos with the 8th Grade, who are enthusiastically partnering with Dr. Bob and Restore Hope: Liberia on the Anything is Everything Campaign through December 20.