The fifth grade has been learning how to belay one another on the vertical climbing wall. This is an intense process that involves an immense amount of trust as climbers aim to reach the heights they have chosen along the wall.
Several safety protocols are involved, including securing a harness, checking the rope clips to ensure they are locked, and using appropriate vocabulary to ensure readiness between the climber and the belayer. No one climbs until all safety measures are in place. All belayers are required to have an anchor, who holds the belayer in place as the climber climbs.
Climbers set goals for themselves, which may include reaching the top, climbing the overhang, climbing blindfolded, or even climbing backwards. Being a climber and belayer takes a lot of body strength, agility, patience, and communication.
There is a lot to be proud of in this year's fifth grade. They have taken on this responsibility with the seriousness required and the diligence it demands both physically and mentally.