We play a lot of games in Spanish class. One of our favorites is Bola de Números (Number Ball). Students are randomly chosen to play, and they win when they score 4 points with 3 throws. When students win, they become "Champions", "Super Champions", "Super Duper Champions", and finally "Legends" (we don't have any legends yet :).
This game is a lot of fun (especially when we get a winner), and it also gives us an opportunity to use a plethora of high-frequency words and structures, including, but not limited to:
quiere ganar - wants to win,
tiene x puntos/tiros - has x points/throws,
necesita x puntos - needs x points,
puede ganar - can win,
está nervioso - is nervous, and
ha jugado - has played.
This game is one example of how we use games, songs, and other activities to interact with Spanish in fun and compelling ways. Hopefully, we'll find a "legend" in one of our classes soon!