To Do:
Parents: Download the Lyme School App set notifications to on.
Check your class page on the Remote Learning Page in the morning ~8:30am
Ask your Mentor for assistance if you need help on your assignments.
Share your best work on Lyme School's Facebook page
Avoid playdates, travel, attending group activities or co-mingling within changing groups and, yes still, avoid sharing lollipops.
Need Lunches?
If you need to have lunches provided, let us know. This will NOT be on a day by day basis, but on a regular 5 day/week basis. We will be sending out information on a drive through option which you can pick up at school or, in limited cases, we can bring to lunch to you, if you are unable to drive to the school. This opportunity is being underwritten by several Anonymous donations to the Principal's Fund and we hope we can continue to offer without charge to families who require it. If you would like to contribute to this cause please contact the school.
Distance Learning Trial today was a big hit! Send pictures or video of your "Rollercoaster" to your teachers or post them on our FaceBook page.
Distance Learning going live tomorrow • Assignments will be posted by ~8:30 am.
Teacher Conducted Training Today Remotely. Hard to meet as a faculty (or a school) when you have to limit your group size to 10. All I have to say is we have a great group of committed and caring professionals at the Lyme School. Tomorrow we will be working and training in a similar fashion as we are also going live with our classroom activities.
• We may get broadband improvements from Consolidated Telcomm.
• Teachers are learning a lot about technology tools.
• Stock market took a break from tanking.
• People are stepping up in numbers to help each other.
• I don't need to worry about snow accumulation.
• Lots of family time? (You can decide which category to place this)
• Cases in NH are up (which was expected) and why we are limiting contact with each other.
• Hamburger sales are down (unless you get them takeout).