Hello Lyme School!
You can view the video above or you can read boring details, save some time, and not look at my face by reading below:
• Lunches are available. If you require lunches please let your mentor know. We can not manage intermittent request, if you request meals they will be prepared M-F.
• Our drive thru will serve as the means to pick up lunches and any school materials you need. The drive thru will be located at the portico (cafeteria entrance) from 11:30 -12:30 (for lunches and requested materials) as well as from 3-4 pm (for materials other than lunches) we may have additional evening hours if we can staff and sustain it.
• Judy Russell and I are coordinating our drive thru times so that we can maximize efficiency both for coverage of our drive thru(s) and for families to be able to make single trips.
If you require us to drop off material or food at your home:
In order for the driver to leave anything, a member of the household will need to signal to the driver that they are home. The driver will approach the house and honk the horn, the family member will need to signal to the driver who will then leave the package and drive away, at which point the family member can get the package.
Wash you hands.
• Really proud of our school, our people are really amazing.
• People are able to be tested for COVID-19 in larger numbers.
• People are being tested COVID-19 in larger numbers.
• I miss to going out for a leisurely Hamburger after work.