We cruised through our first full week of school and the weekend will be a welcome time to rest for both teachers and students!
A few reminders:
Picture day is Tuesday, September 21. Make ups will be September 28.
The Spanish Department is offering a K-8 Spanish Information Night next Wednesday, September 22nd, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. here at school. We will be discussing the philosophy of our program and giving a couple of quick mini-lessons to give folks an idea of what students experience during Spanish classes at the Lyme School. If you're interested in attending, please let Amanda Perry know (aperry@lymeschool.org) so we can determine the most appropriate location in the building that will allow for spacing.
All Grades 1-8 have scheduled their remote information sessions for parents over the next two weeks. Check your email for a link from the teacher(s).
Please email Amanda Perry and copy Kati Miller when your child is sick.
We still do not have parents coming into the building. If you need to pick up your child, you can stop at the office and let Amanda know you are here. If you have something to give your child, it can be dropped at the office.
**the image above is on a bulletin board in the middle school hallway**
Below are a few tidbits from Devorah Heitner’s Screenwise presentation we had on Tuesday.
Teachers are models and mentors of good technology use.
We need to give students the opportunity to learn and practice how to be “public” with their work in small safe ways within the school first.
Everyone (teachers, students, and parents) needs to set boundaries around tech use and when we are on and off our connected devices.
We want to use technology to collaborate and create as much as we can. Connecting and empowering students is the goal, not consuming information all the time.
As adults, we need to model being present for kids. Close the laptop; put down the phone.
Parents can model asking for permission when they post photos of their own child.
Digital devices should not be in bedrooms to help kids develop good sleep habits and boundaries.
Be in the room when your child is using a new app. “Soft” monitor their experience.
Not having a cell phone as a teen can be like not having a house phone when we grew up. At some point we want our kids to know how to text, email, and connect with others on a phone. Your own child’s independence and responsibility can guide you in deciding when providing a phone is appropriate.
Think ahead to when you envision your child using a phone and plan for that roll-out ahead of time. Maybe just having access to just a few contacts and texting is a good step before other social media.
It’s OK to still share the TV as a family and watch a show together!