A few reminders:
Parking Lot Message: We will be putting out cones in the afternoons and weekends to remind people not to drive into the playground area from the parking lot. Cars should not park on/near the basketball courts on the playground as our septic system is below.
Photo makeup day is Tuesday, September 28
See Kati Miller's email re: Update Acceptable Covid testing options
Check your email for important back to school remote information sessions with the grade level teachers.
Thursday, October 7, Blisters for Books fundraiser on the Common
Friday, October 8th is a professional day for teachers. There is no school for students. Teachers will be working on curriculum development.
Last spring we decided to move to a trimester schedule. Our first reporting period will end on November 5th. Report cards will be issued soon after and parent conferences will be held during the week of November 15-19. You will get an email to sign up for these at the beginning of November.
Our Spanish teachers, Mo Chandler and Tom Harkins, hosted a very informative (and entertaining!) session on Wednesday night for parents. The Lyme School’s approach to language learning follows a methodology based on Stephen Krashen’s work on Comprehensible Input. You can see some of the major tenets of this approach below.
(Credit to Mo Chandler for the slides and llama photo.)