We have some important reminders for parents:
- Please update your student(s) information we have at school. Amanda Perry has sent all parents an email with Lyme School Contact Update in the subject line. It is VERY important that you use the unique code in the email and update your student(s) information and permissions. We need this for emergency contact info and much more!
- School pictures can be ordered until October 10. You have the order info in your email already.
- Tomorrow is Thursday with a 2:00 dismissal. It's also Blisters for Books day!
- Students do not have school on Friday, Oct. 8 and Monday, Oct. 11.
- All students should have proper footwear for PE class. This is especially important with winter weather around the corner. Please encourage your child to wear sneakers on PE days or keep a pair of PE appropriate shoes at school. Grades 3-8 all have lockers where they can store a pair of sneakers. Crocs and winter boots are NOT appropriate shoes for PE.
I hope your long weekend coming up is full of fall fun and relaxation. Thanks for your support in this busy time.