First Grade has been learning about growth mindset and the power of YET. We began this learning by identifying the difference between a growth and fixed mindset. We used images to help us differentiate these mindsets.
YET is a very powerful word! We use this word daily and talk about the importance of it. Last week, we brainstormed, shared, and illustrated about things that we do not know how to do…. YET! It was so incredible and powerful to listen to the class share and support others when they shared about things they can’t do, yet.
Developing a growth mindset is an important aspect of becoming lifelong learners. We will be looping back to this throughout the year in a variety of ways. We will continue to read books, share about our own challenges and successes, learn about the different ways we can work to grow our brains/mindsets and explore the science behind it!
What's your mindset?
Check out and/or articles and videos from Dr. Carol Dweck for more information.