What’s going on in Stanton Time?!
...If you said, “So much good stuff!”, you’d be correct!
Kindergartners started out this year learning about and practicing “whole body listening” - using our ears, eyes, while looking at the speaker with our whole body to hear what they are saying. We learned that we listen so that others feel good, so that we can learn, and so we know what to do to stay safe. Students have been reading stories, playing games, and doing activities to help reinforce this important skill. We also just began our Expected and Unexpected Behaviors. They are doing a phenomenal job with this! You can ask your K-Kids about “Red Thoughts” and “Green Thoughts”!
First graders started their year learning about “Bucket Filling” and “Bucket Dipping” which was a great opportunity to review Expected and Unexpected Behaviors. We played a silly game called “Unexpected Pirate” where students would determine if a behavior was expected or unexpected and if they got it right, they would earn some gold coins. However...lurking in the card deck were Unexpected Pirates that might take away the coins! We practiced what we might do or say to ourselves to have an expected reaction during a game where we felt disappointed or upset at how it was going. Having an expected reaction helps to keep the game fun, the problem small, and people having green thoughts about us. Students did a great job with their self-talk and encouraging others along the way. We are just starting to talk about “Size of the Problem” and making sure our problem sizes match our reaction sizes. This helps others feel safe and comfortable as we continue to explore emotional regulation. Ask you students about how problems are like weather? (Cloud, Sprinkle, Thunderstorm, and Tornado-Sized problems)
Second graders are wrapping up their Bucket Filling unit - a very fun few lessons indeed! We explored how everyone has an imaginary bucket and how we can do things to fill buckets (being helpful, including peers at recess, sharing, being responsible, helping out at home, saying kind and honest things, etc.) rather than dip from buckets. They are in the process of making special buckets for the Specials Team members and their teachers.They have written some really thoughtful ways they will continue to fill these buckets throughout the year. Next area we’ll focus on will be one of our school values - RESPONSIBILITY! A fitting topic as 2nd graders are taking on more academic, social, and personal challenges! You can ask your student who they are making a bucket for and what they wrote on their water drops!
Third Graders spent some time exploring GROWTH MINDSET. Stanford's PERTS Research Center and Class DOJO teamed up to create the first season of “The Mojo Show”. The five-episode video series (along with a few fun activities) highlight the power of having a growth mindset, and how any student can learn this skill! We did some challenging team building activities that helped reinforce how mistakes help us grow and doing hard things strengthens our brain (neural pathways). We are now starting a program called “The Compassion Project”. Check back later for updates on how it’s going! You can ask your students, “What is the Power of YET?”
Fourth graders are flexing their mental, social, and physical muscles as they work through Stanton Challenges. Each class, they are presented with a challenge their team has to complete. Students are working on identifying the “ingredients” for our Team Recipe for Success - they have come up with some great ideas: Sportspersonship, not blaming others, focusing, encouragement, being thoughtful with our words, and being inclusive. As much as completing the challenge is the focus, we discuss and process things that worked well and things that did not work well and what we might try for next time - adding to our “ingredients list”. These students have done an incredible job implementing our Lyme School Values of (Fairness, Acceptance of Others, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, Individuality, Compassion, and Courage) and also letting peers know when we need to work on them.
Fifth graders have been learning about mindfulness and different ways to make space between our thoughts and our reactions (behaviors/feelings). We’re exploring a module called, “Go to the Now” from our friends at GOZEN. We’re learning about breathing techniques, meditations, body scans, and mindful eating as an opportunity to stay in the present moment when we find ourselves worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. We’re also adding in some Stanton Challenges for students to work together in smaller groups, using those strategies when we’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.
It has been a great start to the year and I have certainly enjoyed my time in the lower school classrooms! Keep up the hard work, everybody :-)
Stay tuned for more updates about what’s going on in STANTON TIME!
Mrs. Stanton