Not Found Yet

Do you recognize that green sweatshirt? We have a lot of clothing and other belongings coming into our Not Found Yet area.  Are you missing anything at home?  Please remind your child(ren) to check in the Not Found Yet in the stairwell to the Library Commons.  At this time of year, kids wear their jackets in the cool mornings and then remove them at recess later.  Please write your last name inside all jackets and outerwear and we will try to get them back the owners.

Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place starting November 11 and run through the following week: Nov. 15-18.  Teachers will be using Veterans Day on November 11 for some conference time. Lower School teachers will contact parents about a conference time and Middle School parents will get an email from me with a link to sign up for conferences with individual teachers. The sign ups will close on November 10. 

We still need to add to our substitute teacher list and are happy to announce that we raised our sub pay to $100/day.  Please reach out to Amanda Perry if you or anyone you know is interested in subbing at our school. 

Middle School will be changing electives on November 8 for the new trimester.  Ask your middle schooler about their new choices next week. 

School starts at 8:00 a.m.!  It's not news, but please get your kids to school by 8:00 a.m. so we can all begin our day together.  Beginning the day routines are so important to get kids off to the right start with the school day.

One last reminder about photo permissions: We have emailed a link to parents to update photo permissions.  Please update this or let Amanda Perry know if you do NOT want your child's photo used in our school news.  If we do not hear from you, we will assume it is fine to use your child's photo. 

PTO pumpkin sale and costume shop: Saturday, October 23 at 10 a.m. 

Pumpkin Festival:  Saturday October 30  at 10 a.m.  It will begin with a costume parade led by a Lyme fire truck. It will include a jack o lantern contest, goody bags for all community children, a bake sale put on by Lyme Nursery School and community socializing safely outside, for all.