Some reminders:
- Daylight savings is this weekend.
- There is no school for students on Thursday, November 11. Teachers will have a work day that day.
- Student flu shot clinic will be at school on Thursday, November 18 beginning at 9:30 a.m. A signed consent form needs to be at school either beforehand or send it in on the day of the clinic.
We are at the end of our first trimester today. In the middle school, students will have new electives in their schedules beginning next week, while the lower school's schedule stays on the same routine. The second trimester will end on March 4.
We have sent out conference information and sign ups for parent-teacher conference times. Please remember to sign up! Report cards will be sent out on November 19. Conference discussions should focus on your child's progress, work habits, successes, and suggestions for improvement. Grades and other data will come in the report cards.
It's a busy time of year for the Lyme School as we develop next year's budget (already!), continue our professional development both individually and as a faculty, and prepare for daily lessons, assessments, and report cards. I appreciate the dedication and energy our staff brings to school each day.
**Above image: Kinder Paper Sculptures done in Art class.