Happy Rainy Friday!
As we are now settled into our school routines for the year and already working on the budget and plans for next school year, now is a good time to remind everyone of the Lyme School Strategic Plan and the instructional goals we developed to support that plan.
As a faculty, we work together to improve our curriculum and instruction across the school to support new practices and teaching resources. Our school's instructional goals guide us when planning for teaching new skills and curriculum and when accessing the professional development that will support teachers in making the necessary improvements and changes to instruction.
Our Instructional Goals for the course of the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan are:
Expand Inquiry Based Learning at the Lyme School
Incorporate more Research and Information Literacy Skills across all subjects and grades
Examine and create standard practices for Differentiation/Small Group Instruction in Literacy and Math
You will see evidence of teachers working toward these goals in all subjects and grades in our school. We revisit these and our Strategic Plan on a regular basis to guide our planning and reflect on progress.
Other School Reminders:
Conferences will take place after school hours next week. Dismissal is at the normal time.
Report cards will be emailed home on Friday, Nov. 19
The school flu vaccine clinic is on Thursday, Nov. 18
Thanksgiving break: Nov. 24-26.
*** Photos above: Ms. Stanton in the first grade and Ms. Gautreau in 4th grade.