January is School Board Appreciation month. Providing a quality public education takes a team of committed people from educators and staff to parents and administrators. The members of the Lyme School Board are an important part of this team, making informed decisions that direct the course of our school.
As we are in the midst of the school budget building season when the board has many extra meetings, now is a great time to celebrate and recognize the challenging and vital work they do on behalf of our students, families, and the Lyme community.
As locally elected officials, school board members are invested in the Lyme community. They are your neighbors, friends, local leaders, and parents. On behalf of the Lyme School, we thank them for their time, their commitment to the school, and most importantly, for making the success and learning of our students their priority.
The Current Lyme School Board Members:
Phil Barta
Vincent Berk
Jennifer Boylston
Yolanda Bujarski
Sarah Glass
Elizabeth Glenshaw
Hayes Greenway
Other Reminders:
K-6 students should hand in the front flap of their Passport for Winter Fun to their teacher or to the front office when it is completed .
Please let Amanda Perry know as soon as possible on Thursday mornings if your child will not be participating in the ski program that day.
Check the school lunch menu for any updates due to delayed deliveries and need for substitutions/changes. There is a link on our website and the school app has the menu as well.
February break: Feb 21-25, End of 2nd Trimester: March 4.
*** Photo above is Kate Cook teaching a 3rd grade math lesson.***