Winter Wear

Here are some important school reminders: 

As a school, we value the time we can have our students outdoors.  We expect all students to go outside during their recess time each day.  Recess time in the winter is a challenge in that many students (often middle schoolers) forget all the gear they need to be comfortable and safe outdoors in the cold weather.  We do not provide the choice of indoor or outdoor recess for middle school.  They should all be outside unless there is a previous plan in place for their recess time.

Please help us promote all students getting some fresh air each day by reminding your child(ren) to wear or bring to school: a coat, hat, boots, and gloves. A scarf and snowpants would be great, too!

Here is our schoolwide plan for when the temperature outside is really cold:  If the temperature is -4 or below or feels like -4 or below with wind chill,  recess will be indoors for everyone. Recess is outside when the temperature is above -4.  If the temperature is between -3 and 10 degrees, students should at least be wearing gloves, jacket with hood or hat, and appropriate footwear. 

K-6 students should hand in the front flap of their Passport for Winter Fun to their teacher or to the front office when it is completed .

Happy Friday and snowy weekend. 

*** Photo above is a poster Judy Russell gifted to the school today. Perfect timing!***