The Kindergartners are working hard to fill buckets!

The Kindergartners heard the book, How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer, illustrated by Maurie J. Manning back at the beginning of the school year and we have been trying to "fill buckets" ever since!  Filling someone else's bucket is when you say kind things to them, smile at them, help them clean up a mess, or generally following the golden rule of "treating each other the way you want to be treated!" We learned, through the story, that when you fill someone else's bucket, you, in turn, fill your own bucket!  We have been working really hard to be our kindest selves and when a teacher sees/ hears someone filling someone else's bucket, we add a visual... a handful of lima beans to a jar.  When the jar "bucket"  is full, we add a tally mark to a  big paper bucket to keep track of how many full jars we've filled!  Currently we're at 48! Of course, this is a way to use math in every day living as well as working on being our kindest selves. When we get to 50 full buckets we'll celebrate by moving the blue paper with fifty tally marks out to the hallway for all to see! Hope your bucket is full today!