The Lyme School S.A.G.E. (Sexuality and Gender Equality) Group meets weekly with a group of staff advisors during a morning break time. ALL are welcome, which is the first of our group developed agreements which are shared/reiterated when new folks attend meetings. This is a safe environment for any student.
The Lyme School S.A.G.E. group would like to share some work they have put into making our school a more welcoming and inclusive place. One of the first topics S.A.G.E. members brought up in the fall was inclusive restroom signage for single stall restrooms. Our old restrooms have had stick figures of “males” and “females”(see picture) which may not be welcoming, representative, or inclusive of all individuals and identities.
Old signs:
New signs:
The S.A.G.E. group researched and selected gender-inclusive signage for most locking single stall restrooms. They met with administration and communicated with the head of facilities to ensure the signs were appropriate for meeting ADA requirements and any other policy in place. These new all-gender signs will send a message that single-stall restrooms in the Lyme School are for everyone. S.A.G.E. members and friends are working on creating signs to post at each restroom to explain the importance of the new signs and why they are needed.
We are so very proud of our S.A.G.E. members for having thoughtful discussions that endeavor to make our Lyme School a more welcoming, educated, safe, and inclusive community.